Saturday, April 2, 2011

Humanoids: The next generation machines

With the increasing make of robots all over the world, the concept of humanoids is taking the top spot. Well what are humanoids? They are nothing but machines that have the appearance of a human being. They are programmed to do a specific function. They can assist humans in their normal day to day activities. Works such has cooking, washing, etc. But making of humanoids is not an easy job, right from the development of hardware part to programming part its very difficult task. The programming of humanoids is a tedious job since it requires artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence programming is still in research process and it is not fully developed. Since the aim is to make humanoids interact with the society like normal human beings, there exists complexity in programming. But to some satisfactory level we can make them work. As every scientific advancement has some disadvantage, this particular advancement too has its own threats. As far as we use these humanoids for good purpose these advancement holds well and good but if it goes in hand of wrong people who use this for their own benefits like the discovery of nuclear weapons this development will surely prove to be hazardous. Now a day many movies and fiction stories are coming based on humanoids. They all see amazing and unbelievable but very soon we are going to have them true in our real life. We are going to have them soon as one of our family member. Be ready…..