Saturday, April 2, 2011

Touching the stars

Space researches have taken a giant leap from what it was few decades back. We see today many manned missions to space, many new type of researches going through in space. Actually space technology is something tremendous, it’s like hearing the comic stories but really hats off to the people who made it practically possible. The installation of international space station has helped in many ways for the space research. One of the interesting parts of space technology is launching the satellite from earth to the right orbit using rocket. First the rocket needs to overcome the gravitational force so it has to be launched at the speed of 11.2km per second. Then it’s required to send the rocket in a correct path, after reaching the required altitude the rocket the satellite alone has to be made relieved from the rocket and be injected in the right orbit. It looks like simple description over here but actually the job is very tedious. Many projects have failed at these stages it; extreme care should be taken at every stage in order to make it a successful mission. The job doesn’t gets over here after launching the satellite must be kept in track in order obtain information from it. Usually a satellite is used for only some year, after the required mission sending the satellite is completed they are sent to orbits called as graveyard orbits. After this stage satellite loses the control of the ground station. With the increasing amount of development in space technology surely a day will come, where we will touch the stars.

Technological Domination

We are living in a science era, her technology dominates the world. Our most of the day to day activities depends on technology. Technology has come through a long way to reach this place. These developments have both pros and constraints .The advantage having these developments is that it makes the man works easier. In this fast pacing world everyone is in hurry, no one have time to do their job in a traditional way, technology assist them to complete them faster. Think what will happen if mobile phones doesn’t for one whole day, will you get irritated or not. Think if internet stops working. That’s it your jobs will be half done, right? Think of not getting your favorite sports match live on television. Will you won’t feel bored. Think of not having electric or gas stove, can u weight for hours for your meals? Think of not having vehicles, can you walk miles to reach your office? Yes, without technology you are half man. Silently it has dominated the whole world. We are all technology dependent persons. But the main problem starts is when technology becomes our Boss or when we get addicted to it. Well what does addiction means? Using mobile phone is okay but using it all the time is what we mean addiction. Using of vehicle is okay but not even walking small distance will surely get you health problems. Use technology when it is needed, don’t waste it were manual work is possible and easy. Technology becoming our boss will lead to destruction of mankind.    

Psychological strength

To attain ultimate glory in the task we take we need to our mind concentrated. Keeping your mind concentrated is not an easy go. There are many factors which will that will keep our mind in imbalance condition, frequent failures in the tasks we take up, improper working environment, not much encouragements ,pessimism, etc. Not only have the skill sets we possess assured victory. We need to be psychologically well in order to attain victory. Why is that psychological factor given more importance? Because our body responds to the things which mind says, only if the mind is calm without fluctuations in thoughts, our body can work towards the task and respond properly. Even if we don’t have much talent to do a work we can attain a satisfactory level of target completion if we work positively towards the task we take up. Its not that having this strength alone can give us victory, but if we have this strength it will act like a catalyst in our working process. But it’s sure that without peaceful mind attaining glory is impossible. For attaining success we need keep our mind concentrated and make our body obey our brain. This is called has controlling the mind. Now a days many techniques like yoga, meditation, mind control classes is being teach commercially, but the easiest method is to keep thinking positive always. If we do our works without wasting time we won’t have time think about other factors. So do the without wasting time, keep yourself and your calm. I think by now you might have become calm. Have a happy life…..       

Professional Touch

“I am a graduate give me the job” asks a fresh graduate.”Are you experienced” asks the firm in reply. “Definitely no” graduate says in reply. “Sorry, we need experienced candidates” blocks the firm. This  situation is almost the  same everywhere .Now the question arise , “Is that what all a student learns in college a waste?” ,the answer is definitely “No”. When a person comes out of college, it doesn’t mean that he or she is capable of doing a job. There will be a need of special training in order make them transform into a professional .The training will enhance their skills to get professionally accurate and good. There will be always a difference between a student’s project and a professional’s project. “Why these gaps exist?”  Will be the very next question, has student one thing which is foremost important is Marks and Ranks. More over in a short span of time there will large amount of curriculum that needs to be studied. The amount of subjects will be more. In that pressure situation where a student needs to score marks, one can’t expect them to be perfect. Yes “gap” which we spoke about in the beginning is “perfectness”. Has an electronic student when one takes a project of designing a circuit for cell phone, he can still design the circuit but it won’t meet the required standard. It doesn’t mean that what all we learns in college is waste but knowing to implement those things practically is a challenge and it distinguishes a professional from a student.

Humanoids: The next generation machines

With the increasing make of robots all over the world, the concept of humanoids is taking the top spot. Well what are humanoids? They are nothing but machines that have the appearance of a human being. They are programmed to do a specific function. They can assist humans in their normal day to day activities. Works such has cooking, washing, etc. But making of humanoids is not an easy job, right from the development of hardware part to programming part its very difficult task. The programming of humanoids is a tedious job since it requires artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence programming is still in research process and it is not fully developed. Since the aim is to make humanoids interact with the society like normal human beings, there exists complexity in programming. But to some satisfactory level we can make them work. As every scientific advancement has some disadvantage, this particular advancement too has its own threats. As far as we use these humanoids for good purpose these advancement holds well and good but if it goes in hand of wrong people who use this for their own benefits like the discovery of nuclear weapons this development will surely prove to be hazardous. Now a day many movies and fiction stories are coming based on humanoids. They all see amazing and unbelievable but very soon we are going to have them true in our real life. We are going to have them soon as one of our family member. Be ready…..     


“Hi friends I have exam in another one hour, didn’t study anything, going without preparation”, after 4 hours “yippee!! Wasted three ours in exam hall, total bore”…. Wondering what these are all? Ha nothing but Facebook updates of a student. We are having many social networking sites but Facebook has its own place, it has dominated the internet traffic. It has members of over 600 million users. Well what makes it to top the list among other social networking sites? The variety of things that the Facebook offers makes it interesting site to be used. It does not alone provides making friends in online but also gives space for the users to upload their photos and users can play games in online and have friends has their neighbors in those games Farmville and city Ville are some of the interesting games. Beyond these it provides many applications for fun. We can know what our friends are doing by seeing the updates and can comment on it. So what every social networking site provide these facilities but the beauty of Facebook is its simple user friendly web pages. Many websites don’t have this user friendly environment. The way Facebook has grown is amazing; it has literally grabbed the market of one of biggest social network site Rout. Rout is still not able to come up with a solution for the downfall it has faced because of Facebook. But on the other hand Facebook is still gaining popularity.

Aliens exist?

Existence of aliens has been one of a hottest discussion in now a days. Even though many say that they have seen Aliens, there is not a solid proof about their existence. But in mean time we cannot totally deny the fact that there can’t be aliens in the universe. For denying it totally too, we don’t have a proof or justification. Universe is very big; every tiny stars we see in sky every night may be as much as the size of earth or more than that. In this universe we might have another planet in which people living but the fact is nothing as such has been discovered yet. But in near future we might discover a planet like that, we might see some human race living in it. Any thing that has to be accepted needs a justification or a scientific proof. But as far as aliens are concerned we are not able to give a proper proof or justification. Till then aliens existence cannot be taken into a fact. It will remain has fiction story. But what if we think this way, as we are trying to know about aliens ,why they (aliens) won’t have a same thought discovering human race in universe and come to our planet to see us. If that happens, think of the technological challenge we will face in order keep communication with them . Communication world will really find the challenge interesting to work on. Lets hope to have them with us.            

Champions in same group

Yes ,the cricket world cup fever has started spreading, teams are making up themselves to meet the challenge ,with 12teams being divided into two groups, its interesting to note that defending one-day champions(AUS) and T20 champions(PAK) has been grouped in the same A group, it will nice to see their contest at group level matches itself. With the great talents the two teams possess it will be a nice competition to watch out. The other teams in group A are New Zealand, Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe, Canada, and Kenya. Kiwis will be eager to win the world cup since they haven’t won any in past but the competition and their current form are the biggest worries for them, Lankans will be trying to repeat their 1996 heroics, having Muralitharan on their side will be of greater advantage, he will be thinking of ending up his career in a high note since this is his last international event. The one another team in this group is Zimbabwe, they haven’t made any big impact as far as world cup is concerned but can’t under estimate their talents, and they might come up with some unexpected performance. Canada with not much of international cricketing experience is the favorites of course but never forgets John Davison for his excellent century in 2003 world cup. Kenya with Jaunty Rhodes assistance will be hoping to put a great show in this world cup ,they are known for some greatest performance in world cup 2003,they reached semi-final in 2003 world cup, they will never forget that performance ,with that confidence they will hope to do best. The action is going to kick-off in great fashion.